
Coke drums replacement

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Our delivery


project manhours


derrick structure lift


lift of new coke drums into place


of 1,600 tonne 125 crawler crane


delivered components

Project details

Wood’s multi-disciplined global project team designed, 在短短65天内,为OMV Petrom的Petrobrazi炼油厂提供并安装了四个替换焦炭桶, 帮助维持东欧的生产目标和关键的能源安全.

Securing the nation’s energy supply

With an annual crude oil refining capacity of 4.5 million tonnes, 巴西石油公司是罗马尼亚最重要的炼油厂之一,对该国的能源安全至关重要.

Located near Ploiesti City, Petrobrazi Refinery is operated by OMV Petrom, the largest integrated energy company in South-Eastern Europe.

自2005年以来, OMV Petrom在petrobrasi炼油厂投资超过20亿欧元, 其中三分之一的投资用于减少对环境的影响.

1m 36s

A history of trust, performance excellence and ingenuity

Since 2009, 作为正在进行的框架协议的一部分,Wood在众多复杂的绿地和棕地项目中为OMV Petrom提供支持. 焦炭桶更换(CDR)项目是Wood对OMV Petrom炼油厂进行的一系列重大升级的一部分, 以及新建设施,包括多燃料和焦化炉排污装置.

Within Petrobrazi’s coker unit, 四个焦炭桶接近其设计寿命的终点,更换是维持生产水平的必要条件. 焦炭桶是炼焦过程的关键部分,没有它,炼焦作业就无法继续. Four new replacements needed to be designed, engineered and installed with absolute precision, fitting exactly into the existing coker unit structure.

在交付包括高度技术和组织复杂性在内的大型复杂项目方面享有良好的全球声誉, in June 2020 Wood was selected to design, 在现有焦化装置基础设施内供应和安装四个焦炭桶. 范围还包括焦化装置管道的评估和更换, cables and instruments if they were found to be at the end of life.

Commencing August 2022, 整个项目需要在65天内完成,以避免炼油厂的产量受到影响, 东欧石油公司的生产目标和能源安全.

Pin accuracy and organisational complexity during a global pandemic

由于要求焦炭桶完全适合现有的基础设施, 精确的计算和对细节的特别关注对于消除项目受挫的可能性至关重要.

当时正值新冠肺炎疫情高峰期,项目初期实施了地方封锁, meaning remote communication, 对现场工作的充分准备和遵守当局的规定是最重要的. Coke drum design was performed remotely, 通过激光扫描现有单元,由当地团队对新资产进行建模.

承包商一丝不苟地遵循伍德提供的精确图纸和测量, 使用符合最新法规的高质量材料制造焦炭桶, creating modernised replacements that were fit for the future.

Once checked for quality and precision, the coke drums, each weighing 200吨s, were mobilised from the workshop in Bucharest to site. 焦炭桶的运输计划在夜间进行,以尽量减少对当地的干扰, involving more than 50 vehicles and police escort.

To lift the derrick, remove existing coke drums, install new coke drums and reinstall the derrick, a 1,600 tonne crawler crane was required. Reserved two years prior to mobilisation, 履带式起重机的组装需要160多辆卡车将部件从北欧运到现场. 在提升过程中,井架结构的净重达到了惊人的429吨.

而在许多传统项目中,工程先于施工, this complex project called for both to run in tandem. 周密的规划和精密的工程使这个项目取得了巨大的成功, completed just under its initial budget and two days early.

What’s your challenge?

如果你正在寻找专业咨询或工程,我们想听听你的挑战. It all starts with understanding your complex project.

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为了我们的共同目标团结起来,为世界上最严峻的挑战找到解决方案, we are future ready, 现在.